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Ark Dedicated Server – Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of lag and server crashes in running your Ark gameplay? Ark is an open-world survival game that combines crafting and multiplayer elements. Game popularity stems from its immersive gameplay experience, expansive world, and ability to ride & tame dinosaurs. Ark’s dedicated server runs Ark, offering possibilities for designing the game world and modes according to individual preferences. Unlike playing on publicly available multiplayer servers, individuals are not bound to operator configuration and rules. You can create and host servers directly. In this article, we will briefly discuss step-by-step dedicated server setup, prerequisites, server installation process, port forwarding, and firewall to Ark server manager tool.
Let’s dive in!

ARK Dedicated Server Setup

To set up an ARK dedicated server, follow these steps:

Step 1: Consider System Requirements:

Make sure to know the system requirements before purchasing the server. These vary based on a few factors:

  • Size of lobby.
  • Mods or Plugins planned to use.
  • How far away individuals are from data centers?

Consider these factors to determine system requirements:

To make it easier, listed below are the basic requirements for an Ark dedicated server:

  • CPU (2 physical cores with over 3GHz clock speed for smaller servers. Larger ones demanding more power).
  • 25 to 30 GB storage.
  • 6 to 8GB RAM.
  • 100 MBPS internet speed.
  • 64-bit OS.

Step 2: Install The Steam Server Software:

Obtaining a dedicated server for Ark involves various methods, but the best method is SteamCMD (Steam Console Client). This method involves a command-line version of Steam Client, which requires the server to install and update a dedicated server from Steam.

To Download SteamCMD, Follow These Steps:

  1. Open File Explorer and choose the drive on which you want to install SteamCMD.
  2. Now, create a new folder and name it “SteamCMD.”
  3. Now download SteamCMD by pressing on the link.
  4. Once you download the client, you must extract the ZIP file and put it into the SteamCMD folder.
  5. Launch the SteamCMD.exe to start the program.
  • Leave the program running until it finishes setting up.
  • Now exit the program by typing Quit.

Step 3: Ark Dedicated Server Installation:

To install the Ark dedicated server, follow these steps:

A. Rent a Dedicated Server From A Hosting Platform:

You can purchase a dedicated server for ARK from one of the best-dedicated server hosting providers, “VPS Malaysia.” The dedicated server in Malaysia lets individuals enjoy various features like DDOS protection and instant setup.

VPS Malaysia

B. Use SteamCMD To Install Dedicated Server Files:

One way to get a dedicated Ark server is by using SteamCMD. Steam offers a dedicated server for many games, including Ark. Before installing the server, create a folder with a minimum of 15 GB free, as the server files take up 10 GB. Launch SteamCMD and download server files by:

login anonymous
force_install_dir C:\Ark-server\
app_update 376030 validate

C. For customizing Ark server settings, we need a script:

For Windows:

Create a batch file named start-server.bat and place the file in the Ark-server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Win64/ folder. Example of Script:

ShooterGameServer.exe "TheIsland?SessionName=MyArkServer?ServerPassword=MyPassword?ServerAdminPassword=MyPassword?Port=7777?QueryPort=27015?MaxPlayers=10"
For Linux:

On Linux, create a shell script with the name and place it in the Ark-server/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ folder:

ShooterGameServer "TheIsland?Listen?SessionName=ArkServer?ServerPassword=JoinPassword?ServerAdminPassword=AdminPassword" -server -log

Once finishing the script, type the following to make it executable:

chmod +x

Now, individuals can run the script efficiently that they have made.

Step 4: Port Forwarding And Firewall:

Port forwarding is an essential step in in-game hosting because it allows players outside the home network to connect to the server.

A. Create A New Port Rule:

  • For Windows users, press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type the command wf.msc and click on it to open up Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
Windows command function
  • Select Inbound Rules from your left side panel and then click on New Rule.
  • Click on Protocol and Ports and then move on.
  • Leave the TCP option selected and type the relevant port number in the specific local port section. For example, 27020 is the RCON port.
  • Then, select Allow the connection and click Next.
  • Check all the boxes to control what rules apply, then click Next.
  • Write here the name of the rule and then click Finish.

Repeat the process, but change TCP to UDP and enter the port numbers in the specific local ports section:

  • 7777 Game Port.
  • 27015 Query Port.
  • 7778 Raw UDP Socket Port.

B. Edit Firewall Settings:

After creating the UDP rule, close the program and open “Windows Defender Firewall.”

Select Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall, then scroll to find ShooterGame (Ark).

Allow an app or feature through the Windows Defender Firewall

For all ShooterGame apps, check the Ark Survival Evolved private server boxes and public boxes.

C. Forward Ports On Router:

Log in to the router and then navigate to the port forwarding option. If it is not in the settings, upgrade the router.

Step 5: Join The Server:

The last step is to join the Ark dedicated server. Once the server is working, connect it to the device.

A. Local Host:

Local hosting is used when all players are connected to the same network and share an IP address. For example, all players are in the same house while connecting to the server.

B. Follow These Steps To Join the Server:

Launch the Steam client and click on View > Servers.

On server software, select the favorite tab.

Click Add a server and enter localhost:27015.

After this, add this address to your favorites. Then, go back to the Favorites tab and refresh the page. The server is now listed.

C. Private IP:

  • If an individual cannot connect through localhost, try a private IP.
  • After adding the server from the Favorites tab, press the Windows key + R.
  • Type the word CMD in the run command window and press ok.
Windows Command Function
  • In the new window that pops up, type ipconfig and hit Enter. The individual now sees the local IP address.
Command Prompt in Windows
  • Now return to the Steam tool, Ark dedicated server, and add the IP as the server address.
  • Refresh the tab.

D. Public IP:

  • Use a public IP if individual servers are not shown in the Favorites tab.
  • Select the server once more.
  • Use a public IP finder tool to find the public IP address.
  • Input the IP address in the Add a server window and add it to Favorites.
  • Press refresh on your Favorites window, and the server will appear on this list.

Why Create An Ark Dedicated Server?

Dedicated Ark servers are separate programs or machines made to host Ark servers and games. They run 24/7, have a unique IP address, and serve individuals. Dedicated servers offer superior reliability and performance compared to non-dedicated servers, and they can handle more players or provide smoother gameplay. They host many PC games. Ark dedicated server hosting manages and maintains physical server resources, allowing customers to use them.

Here are some top reasons to create an Ark dedicated server:

A. To Improve Performance And Stability:

Unlike non-dedicated servers, which depend on the host being online, Ark dedicated servers run independently. This can handle more players and reduce lag, giving a smoother experience.

B. Customization Options:

You can customize game settings to suit your Ark preferences. This includes adjusting taming speed, resource gathering rates, and player stats, and enabling mods to enhance gameplay.

C. Community Building:

Server hosting provides better security control, allowing individuals to monitor and manage potential threats and disruptive players effectively.

D. Control Over Mods:

With an Ark dedicated server, individuals can control who can join the game, set rules, and manage players’ behavior while maintaining a stable environment.

Ark Dedicated Server Prerequisites

Knowing the Ark dedicated server hosting requirements is essential. The OS must meet the 64-bit requirement (ShooterGameServer is a 64-bit executable and cannot run on a 32-bit install of Ubuntu or Windows). The server is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and supports Windows hosts where the prerequisites in _commonredist can be installed. To run Ark, a PC needs:

  • OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 – 64 bit.
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 / AMD FX-8320.
  • Memory: 8GB RAM.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 670 / AMD Radeon HD 7870.
  • DirectX: Version 10.
  • Storage: 60GB Available Space.

1. Hardware Requirement:


  • Minimum: A dual-core processor with a clock speed of at least 2.0 GHz.
  • Recommended: A quad-core processor like Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5. Higher clock speeds and more cores are best for handling multiple server tasks and ensuring various players’ best and smoother gameplay.


  • Minimum: 8GB is best for a primary server with a few players.
  • Recommended: 16GB is best for planning to host a large server with mods. More RAM allows better handling of server processes and reduces lag during peak usage times.

C. Storage:

  • Minimum: 20 GB of free space for the server files.
  • Recommended: At least 100 GB of storage is available to accommodate game updates, mods, and player data. SSDs are preferred due to their faster data access and improved performance.

D. Network:

  • Ensure network configuration allows incoming connections to these ports and directs them to dedicated server hosts.
UDP 27015Query port for Steam server browser.
UDP 7777Game client port.
UDP 7778Raw UDP socket port (always game client port +1).
TCP 27020RCON for remote control server access (optional).
ARK Dedicated Server Ports
  • Individuals can host multiple dedicated servers on the same host.
Server InstanceGame PortRaw UDP PortQuery PortRCON Port
Server game instance 1777777782701527020
Server game instance 2777977802701627021
Server game instance 3778177822701727022
The server game instance has four completely different ports9999100003701537016
Ports to Host Multiple Dedicated Servers

Query ports could not be between 27020 and 27050 because of Steam using those ports.

2. Software Requirement (Operating System):

Ark can be hosted on both Windows and Linux platforms.

A. Windows:

The Windows platform offers a user-friendly interface, especially for non-command line operations. Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable can be found in the Steam Ark game folder under the CommonRedist/vcredist/folder. DirectX (DXSETUP can be found in the Steam Ark game folder under the CommonRedist/DirectX/June2010/ folder).

B. Linux:

It is preferred due to its stability, reduced overhead, and best performance on dedicated servers. It requires command-line operation but is more customizable. A 64-bit Linux server requires the installation and running of SteamCMD.

sudo apt-get install lib32gcc-s1

The game server usually requires glibc 2.14 or greater. Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8 automatically fulfill this requirement, but older versions of Glibc on Debian 7 do not. To install the required version of glibc on a Debian 7 host:

  • Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list.
# Experimental/unstable (sid) repositories 
deb experimental main
deb sid main
  • Run this to update the host package and install the glibc package.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t experimental install libc6-dev
  • This process does not upgrade the host to Debian unstable (sid); only glibc and any package that depends upon it are updated.

Refer to distribution documentation and support forums for help with older distributions that do not include glibc_2.14 or newer.

Required Software And Tools

There are two different software and tools needed to host an Ark dedicated server:

  • SteamCMD: A dedicated server is available on both Linux and Windows platforms. SteamCMD downloads server files for both. Setting up and updating the server with the latest patches and content is best.
  • Ark Server Manager: The Ark Server Manager is a user-friendly tool for configuring and managing the Ark server. It simplifies tasks like starting/stopping the server, managing mods, and adjusting server settings without manually editing configuration files.

Preparation Steps:

Before setting up a server, ensure the following:

  • Hardware meets or exceeds recommended specifications.
  • You have administrative access to the router for port forwarding.
  • Install all necessary software updates and drivers on the operating system.

Server Installation

When installing a server, ensure the server is configured correctly and ready for players. Follow these steps to install a server.

1. Install SteamCMD:

SteamCMD is a command line tool for downloading and updating Ark server hosting files. To install:

  • Download SteamCMD: Visit the SteamCMD official page and download the tool for operating Windows and Linux systems.
  • Extract SteamCMD: Create a new folder for SteamCMD, such as C:\steamCMD on Windows or /home/username/steamCMD Linux. Extract the downloaded SteamCMD files into this folder.
  • Run SteamCMD: Open a command prompt or terminal. Navigate to the SteamCMD directory and execute the SteamCMD program.
  • Login Anonymously: In the SteamCMD prompt, type “login anonymous” command to log in without a Steam account.

2. Download Ark Server Files:

Once SteamCMD is set up, download the Ark server files.

  • Set Installation Directory: Choose the location on a hard drive where Ark files will be stored. Ensure that this location has ample space for future mods and updates.
  • Download The Server Files: In the SteamCMD prompt, enter the following command to download files.
app_update 376030 validate
  • This command downloads the necessary files required to run the Ark server.
  • So, the overall process will be like this:
Steam> login anonymous
Steam> force_install_dir <install-dir>
Steam> app_update 376030 validate
Steam> exit
  • Once SteamCMD is set up, go to download files.
  • Regular Updates: Keep server files up to date by regularly running the same command. This will download and update new patches released by the developer.

3. Configure Server Settings:

After downloading, server files need to be configured according to preferences.

  • Locate Configuration Files: Find the main configuration file in the ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ directory.
  • Edit The GameUserSettings.ini: Open this file in a text editor to modify server settings, such as the server’s name, password, and player count.
  • Customize game mechanics like resource gathering and experience rates:
  • Save The Changes: Ensure that the changes are saved and that the configuration files are formatted correctly to prevent errors.

4. Set Up Port Forwarding and Firewall:

Access router settings and forward ports to the server’s local IP address:

  • 7777: Game port.
  • 27015: Query port.
  • 32330: RCON port.

Allow the inbound and outbound traffic on the ports through the system firewall settings.

5. Launch Server:

Once all are configured, launch the server.

  • Navigate To The Server Directory: Open the command prompt or terminal, then navigate to the directory where Ark files are located.
  • Start The Server: Use the following command to launch the server with the default map:
ShooterGameServer.exe TheIsland?Listen?SessionName=MyArkServer

Customize the command for different maps and configurations.

  • Monitor The Server: Watch the server console for error messages during startup. Once running, players can connect using the server IP address and port.
  • Port Forwarding And Firewall: For a server to become visible in both Ark server lists, do the following:

A. Windows:

  • If an individual is on Windows 10, press Start and search for wf.msc. Then press the “Run as administrator” option.
  • Click “Inbound Rules” on the left panel and press “New Rule” on the right.
  • When the new inbound rule wizard opens, select “Port” then click “Next“.
  • Choose “TCP” and “Specific local ports.”
  • Enter ports (default 27020 for RCON) separated by commas.
  • Click “Next” and select “Allow the connection.”
  • Apply the rules by checking all profile boxes (Domain, Private, and Public).
  • Name the rule (e.g., ARK TCP) and then add an optional description.
  • Repeat for UDP by following the same steps but select “UDP” and enter ports:
    • Steam query port (default 27015).
    • Game port (default 7777).
    • Raw UDP socket port (default 7778, which is game port + 1).
  • Allow the ShooterGame to open the Windows Firewall settings. Press “Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.” Ensure all ShooterGame entries are checked for both private and public.
  • Edit the rules by returning to Inbound Rules, right-click the rule, and select “Properties” to make changes.

B. OS X:

Firewall configuration may need specific application input.

C. Linux:

A firewall is based on modern distributions and different interfaces for some Linux distros. It is best to use direct iptables commands. All firewall changes require sudo. Open ports 7777, 7778, and 27015 for UDP and 27020 for TCP. Individuals can adjust the port leads by editing the script.


This script opens ports that can persist across reboots. UFW is available for firewalls on Ubuntu:

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "This must be run as root"
  exit 1
for port in 7777 7778 27015; do
  ufw allow $port/udp
# Uncomment the next line if you want to open the default RCON port
# ufw allow 27020/tcp

E. FirewallD:

This script will open the ports in a way that persists across reboots. It is used on RHEL 7, CentOS 7.x, and Fedora.

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "This must be run as root"
  exit 1
for port in 7777 7778 27015; do
  firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=$port/udp
# Uncomment the next line if you want to open the default RCON port
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=27020/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

F. IPtables:

This is a temporary solution; individuals can use it if neither of the other scripts applies to their systems. To make iptables safe for reboots, it is essential to watch the distribution documentation on how to add firewall ports to the existing configuration files and add scripts to the boot process.

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "This must be run as root"
  exit 1
for port in 7777 7778 27015; do
  iptables -t filter -I INPUT -p udp --dport $port -j ACCEPT
# Uncomment the next line if you want to open the default RCON port
# iptables -t filter -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 27020 -j ACCEPT

6. Port Forwarding:

There are a lot of websites with tutorials on port forwarding. It is advisable to visit, which offers tutorials for many routers. Forward port 27015 is the game port and 27016 is the query port. 7777 is the most common port that usually works. Individuals must forward both UDP and TCP so the server can appear on any list. Also, make sure that ports are open by using the tool from and then entering ports forwarded in the start-server.bat file that was created earlier. For example:

start ShooterGameServer.exe TheIsland?Listen?SessionName=<server-name>?ServerPassword=<joinPassword>?ServerAdminPassword=<AdminPassword>?Port=7777?QueryPort=27015?MaxPlayers=<max-players>

7. Finding Servers In Lists:

You can access the server through Steam server lists or the Ark unofficial list. Search by name in the Ark list or find the IP address in the Steam server list. Add individual server IP to Steam favorites and use the favorites game tab. The game list has a server limit showing at one time. The server could or couldn’t appear on unofficial sites all the time.

8. Updating:

To update the server when a new version is released, repeat the same SteamCMD commands shown in the previous session. Use the correct command for your platform. To automate the process further, refer to the SteamCMD guides. Using the system startup file, integrate the update mechanism to run before starting the game. SteamCMD provides additional tools for easy installation and more straightforward, seamless updates.

Tool – Ark Server Manager:

The Ark Server Manager is a popular and effective tool for managing and configuring a dedicated server for the game Ark: Survival Evolved. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing and setting up a server, making it easy to customize settings, manage mods, and ensure smooth operation.

Top Features:

  1. Easy Configuration: The manager allows easy adjustment of server settings without manually editing configuration files. Users can adjust server settings without diving into complex text files.
  2. Mod Management: ASM can easily manage mods by connecting directly to the Steam Workshop. Users can browse, download, and update mods to ensure compatibility. It supports many updates and downloads mods from the Steam Workshop.
  3. Automatic Updates: Users can set it to update games and mods to the latest version automatically. The tool is configured to easily update games to the newest version and ensure the server remains compatible with the latest client version.
  4. Backup and Restore: ASM offers options for backing up server data and restoring it when needed.
  5. Server Monitoring: Provides real-time server status and resource usage.
  6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supports Windows and Linux servers, allowing you to choose platforms according to your preferences.


Running an Ark dedicated server offers control, customization, and community-building opportunities. Ensure your hardware and software meet the requirements before setting up the server. Use tools like SteamCMD and Ark Server Manager to simplify server management. Setting up a dedicated Ark server allows the creation of a customized and controlled gaming environment, offering the best experience for players. Following these steps, individuals can quickly establish an engaging and reliable platform for Ark. Regular maintenance and community engagement will help keep servers active and thriving. Choose VPS Malaysia for a reliable and best Ark dedicated server. Have any questions? Ask in the comment section below!

Ready to elevate your ARK gaming experience? Explore our Dedicated Server services now!


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